We All Have The Ability To Help Ourselves Heal & Grow!

The MBSR Playbook for Do-It-Yourself Well-Being

This playbook is a gift you give yourself, filling it up with comments about your experience with mindfulness-based stress reduction training. A safe container guiding your transformation, integrating mindfulness and stress reduction into your ordinary moment-to-moment experience.

The path for transforming suffering and disease into a safer and more peaceful beingness is well worn. Jon Kabat-Zinn created the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program in 1979 in a clinical hospital setting helping people address problems outside the conventional boundaries of modern medicine. Tens of thousands of people have completed this program. Positive outcomes are well-known and documented widely in scientific research.

This playbook includes both the Authorized Curriculum Guide for MBSR last published in 2017, and Dave Potter’s Palouse Mindfulness online MBSR course. Today there are more than 1,000 teachers around the world certified to teach MBSR. Originally offered only in person, today MBSR programs are also available with teachers online and as self-paced do-it-yourself courses of which Palouse is by far the most successful.

This may be obvious, but the factor most critical to success is the cumulative effort necessary to establish new practices which in turn create the positive outcomes.

The playbook offers a concrete and measurable practice structure mapped directly to MBSR / Palouse, welcomes journaling and includes all the course worksheets. Use the playbook to embrace your one hour per day of formal and informal practice along your journey of transformation.

People start with very challenging conditions including chronic disease, emotional and psychological disorders.  After completing MBSR people report wonderful outcomes like “My anxiety decreased tremendously” or “My whole perspective of life has changed”.

Scientifically valid research confirms MBSR works for these conditions:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Chronic pain
  • Migraine headaches
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Heart disease

In the last course activity people write a Letter of Learning to receive a Certificate of Completion. In these letters, available on the website, Palouse course graduates report:

  • “I feel calm and in control.”
  • “I’m calmer, more level-headed, grounded, happier.”
  • “My anxiety decreased tremendously.”
  • “I’m less afraid and angry about body pain.”
  • “My anxiety decreased sleep better.”
  • “I learned to love myself.”
  • “I feel more connected to life.”
  • “Forever changed and enhanced my life.”
  • “My whole perspective of life has changed.”
  • “I feel a deep sense of gratitude.”

May you welcome MBSR into your life, express yourself fully, overcome obstacles and learn to feast happily on your own life, in this moment, right here right now!

Safe2Heal Overview

Big Ideas Bright Lights explores fundamental truth about the human experience.  Human beings have been on the planet for thousands of years.  Modern technology and ancient wisdom seem to agree on some basic premises.  One Big Idea is that every thing changes.  Constantly! Another Big Idea is that we are more than we think.  More than our feelings and the thoughts that stream constantly in our heads. We all must validate what is true based on our own direct experience.  Fortunately, there are many Bright Lights who lead the way.

How Healing Happens examines a group of people who experienced spontaneous remission of cancer.  If these people – in the most extreme predicament facing death – were able to heal without traditional medical intervention, what does it tell us about our ability to heal and grow?

Safe2Heal Stories provide information and inspiration about what human beings are capable of.  These stories are researched and documented descriptions of how people responded to challenging conditions to transform themselves and become free of pain.

We’re here to help you establish a safe place in your life to practice techniques proven to promote healing.

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